Sunday, December 11, 2011


beck: "i just used your toothbrush. hope that's ok."

me: "uh. yeah. i guess. why didn't you just use yours?"

beck: "ah. it was the first one i grabbed, so i just used it."

lazy bones.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

date night 12/7

beck and i had a super-duper afternoon date. after school we ran over to BLEEDING HEART. i needed cakeballs and beck was dying for chocolate covered bacon. gross! i know, but it's his fave. i guess they don't make it at the roscoe village location anymore. i thought the beckster was going to burst into tears until he saw this little fella. mr. gingerbread man saved the day.

photo by beck

then we went to see the MUPPET movie. i didn't really know what to expect, but ended up loving the movie. all the colors were AMAZING! beck was cracking me up. as soon as the characters broke into their first song beck sighed "aww man! is this a musical?! i thought this was a real movie! i just wanted to see a real movie!" i didn't even know he knew what the word "musical" meant. beck got over it quick and ended up loving the movie. even all the singing. :)

on our way out of the theater beck saw a movie poster about some STAR WARS movie that's coming back to theaters. my kid was puuuuuuumped!

today was a good day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

pink cardigan

last week beck took one of my pink cardigans. now he sleeps with it every night. the other day i asked him why and he said "i like to sleep with it because it reminds me of you."  nobody in this world knows how to melt my heart like the beckster.

b-day card from beck

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


beck: "momma, are people going to be jealous of our tree?"

me: "ha! no, why would they?"

beck: "because we have the best tree in the world!"

not my words, but the mister's. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

beck is thankful

i am thankful for mom.
i have nice friends.
i have a nice dog.
a nice dad.
my mom is kind.
i am thankful for school.
a great dog.
i love my mom.
a very nice day.
i love my dad.
i have nice best friends.
a great school.


Sunday, November 27, 2011


on our drive home from visiting family in indiana we stopped and cut down our christmas tree.

beck and our tree

just kidding!

beck and our real tree

that's all i really have to say for now. 

happy belated thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ocean plug

"did you know at the bottom of the ocean there is a huge plug? all you have to do is pull the cord and all the ocean water will drain out." -beck beers

maybe it's time for a new school. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

way to go beck!

beck finally learned to tie his shoes! he surprised me this morning. he tied his shoes today all by himself with no help from momma! that's a first. thank you uncle benny for working with beck over the weekend. congrats beck!

Friday, November 11, 2011

d. sedaris

beck: "mom! does david sedaris write children's books?"

me: "ha! no way little dude."

beck: "awww man! i really wish he did."

it's funny that i'm so obsessed with DAVID SEDARIS that even my 6-year-old knows exactly who he is. too bad the beckster has many many years until he reaches an appropriate SEDARIS reading age.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

that coat

1st grade boy: "why do ya always where that coat?"

me: "what do you mean?"

boy: "that coat! why do ya always where it?"

me: "because it's my coat."

boy: "but ya always where that one!"

me: "it's my only coat!"

boy: "well, i have a ton of coats!"

good for you little boy. good for you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

sweet start to our morning

"mom! i love your little face. it's so beautiful." -beck

that boy knows how to melt my heart.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


we told beck we are taking him trick or treating in the rich neighborhood. what was his response to that? "i hope i get some money trick or treating!" ha! smart boy.


beck insisted on wearing his cape inside out the entire time. i tried to convince him otherwise, but it wasn't worth the fight. 

beck and i met up with some of his buddies from school to go trick or treating on southport ave. the boys had a blast, but the moms wanted to pull their hair out. we literally had to chase them down and make sure they weren't darting out into the streets the entire time. try keeping track of five ornery boys in a crowd of about a thousand others. the boys had a blast. i was exhausted. :)

what stranger passes out apples on halloween?

beck's school had these super strict costume rules this year. his options were very limited. i found this ninja costume at the thriftstore for $0.75. he had fun dressing up in two different costumes this year.

i worked a vegan pop-dinner sunday night and brought this dude home for beck afterwards. this little guy is beck's newest obsession. beck has been taking "zombie boy" with him wherever he goes.

we had a super busy, but great halloween. i now need a nap.

lost and swallowed tooth

the beckster lost his first tooth!!!

beck doesn't believe in santa or the easter bunny, so i assumed he doesn't believe in the tooth fairy either. i was going to put a few dollars under his pillow anyway, but i didn't have cash on me. i thought oh well. i will give him a few bucks tomorrow after work. so beck wakes up the next morning and runs out to me "did the tooth fairy leave me anything?" i paused and kind of stuttered "do you believe in the tooth fairy?" i started to worry. beck paused. "na! i know it's you, but did the tooth fairy leave me anything, mom?" wink wink. i felt like kind of a jerk for not having cash to put under his pillow. i paid the dudester after work, but felt a little bad that the fun was taken out of it. at least he has a ton more teeth in his head. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


pumpkins by beck and momma.

jack skellington by the beckster

sweet valley high

two new and commonly used phrases that keep shooting out of beck's mouth are "duh" and "that's so lame."  sometimes i feel like my kid attends SWEET VALLEY HIGH.

Monday, October 24, 2011

sleeping vampire

we FINALLY got beck's halloween costume. i'm a little bummed we lack creativity this year and waited until the last minute, but beck is happy and that's all that really matters. Originally beck wanted to be a lion, then a werewolf, then a star wars dude. he finally settled on a vampire. i bought this super generic vampire costume at target and beck is in love with it. after he brushed his teeth i told him to get his pajamas on. this is how he dressed himself for bed

i'm in love with my sleeping vampire.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i look like a jerk

"mom! when you roll my sleeves like that i look like a jerk!" -beck

Thursday, October 13, 2011

beck and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. it sucked. it was by far one of the worst days i've had in a long time. here is a photo to show just one of the many sucky parts of my day.

anyway, there is no point in making a post to complain about my day, so instead i will search for the positive parts and post about them instead. 

beck's class went on a field trip to the lincoln park zoo and conservatory and i volunteered to go with. it's probably best if i don't comment much about our trip. here are a few photos below from our visit. 

please don't judge me and my camera phone. :)

beck and i have never been to the lincoln park conservatory before yesterday. we loved it. i can't wait to go back with more time and less kiddies. 

i had the sweetest, most polite boys in my group. they held the door for every adult and stroller they came in contact with that day. i give props to their parents. 

below are a few photos beck snapped.  his turned out better than mine. :)

the end

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


this morning i found these cute totes at target. they were only $1! this christmas i'm going to avoid buying wrapping paper as much as possible. it's a huge waste and these are way cuter anyway.  my little dude's gifts are going in these bags. target has a ton and it's totally worth checking out.