Thursday, June 30, 2011

another quote

"this music sounds like graveyard music. it's kinda creepy, but iiiiiiiiiiiii like it!" -beck beers

gifts from friends

so i've decided i have the best friends ever. i'm pretty sure beck would agree. today we arrived home and there were two packages waiting for the beckster. beck is always sooooooooooooo pumped when he gets mail. below are the items from his packages. xoxoxoxoxo for ashley, emily and the tonster.

approx 30 california raisins

pee-wee book

bieber shoes for his justin bieber "action figure"

sweet book

below is a photo of my gift from beck. 

my book by beck


Sunday, June 26, 2011

beck questionnaire 1

what's your favorite thing to do with your mom?:  "sketch"

what's your favorite color? : "all of them"

what's your favorite snack? :  "pistachios and goldfish crackers"

what's your favorite movie? :  "michael jackson: moonwalker and pee-wee's big adventure"

what's your favorite book? : "cat in the hat by dr. seuss"

what's your favorite toy? :  "pee-wee's playset and my california raisin guy"

favorite band/singer:  "justin bieber, dead man's bones and beirut"

favorite song:  "baby by j.b. and pa pa power by d.m.b."

 all answers as of 6/26/11. i'm sure all the answers will be different tomorrow. :)


look who i found hiding in my refrigerator!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

an adorable first

this morning i woke up to beck making his bed and folding laundry. what?! i've never asked him to do either one. that's adorable!


Friday, June 24, 2011

goodbye aunt bethie

my sister was home from peru for three weeks. beck and i were lucky enough to make it back to indiana for a few visits.  unfortunately she had to head back south on tuesday. i'm thankful we were able to take her to the airport and see her off. we miss you already, beth!

we are fans of all the art in the indianapolis airport. beck loved these little blue guys hanging from the ceiling. he thought they looked like airplanes without wings. beth said they are jellyfish. my crappy camera doesn't do them justice. 

on our way back to illinois we stopped at culver's in the k3 area and only paid 25 cents for icecream. 

some lady sweeping kept calling beck a "giggle box." we had a blast!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

shedd aquarium trip

beck and i went to SHEDD yesterday to celebrate an end to an awesome school year. i got a huge sun burn just waiting to get inside the aquarium.  we were also super bummed we couldn't make it to the jellies exhibit or to see the "pinguios," but we still managed to have an awesome time together. beck said he was thankful he got to see one tank of jellies and a seahorse.

below are a few of beck's favorite photos from our day. i didn't have my camera so i used my crappy camera phone. that's why the pictures are terrible. :)

last day of kindergarten

yesterday was beck's last day of kindergarten. i can't believe how fast this year flew by. i also can't believe how much he has changed in one year. beck started school knowing his colors, shapes, letters and numbers and not much more. now my little man can read and write. he can add and subtract. i feel like he knows all these awesome odd facts about everything. beck started school so quiet and shy. it broke my heart the first week of school leaving him on his bench with tear filled eyes. he tried so hard to be brave. my little dude ended this school year much wiser and with lots of great friends.

above are some photos we took on beck's the last day. below are a few from his first day of school. it's crazy to me how different he looks.

beck made this card for his teacher, ms. seidel. i thought it was adorable. :)

i couldn't be prouder. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

stinky feet stew

i came out of the shower to beck doing this. who wants to come over for dinner? i will cook for you in this pot.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

field day

today was field day at beck's school and each kid made their own t-shirt. what's field day? "celebrates and educates the students about the health and wellness of their bodies and their minds. It promotes community around the self-respect of your own body and those around you."  



i think beck's shirt is awesome!