Sunday, December 11, 2011


beck: "i just used your toothbrush. hope that's ok."

me: "uh. yeah. i guess. why didn't you just use yours?"

beck: "ah. it was the first one i grabbed, so i just used it."

lazy bones.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

date night 12/7

beck and i had a super-duper afternoon date. after school we ran over to BLEEDING HEART. i needed cakeballs and beck was dying for chocolate covered bacon. gross! i know, but it's his fave. i guess they don't make it at the roscoe village location anymore. i thought the beckster was going to burst into tears until he saw this little fella. mr. gingerbread man saved the day.

photo by beck

then we went to see the MUPPET movie. i didn't really know what to expect, but ended up loving the movie. all the colors were AMAZING! beck was cracking me up. as soon as the characters broke into their first song beck sighed "aww man! is this a musical?! i thought this was a real movie! i just wanted to see a real movie!" i didn't even know he knew what the word "musical" meant. beck got over it quick and ended up loving the movie. even all the singing. :)

on our way out of the theater beck saw a movie poster about some STAR WARS movie that's coming back to theaters. my kid was puuuuuuumped!

today was a good day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

pink cardigan

last week beck took one of my pink cardigans. now he sleeps with it every night. the other day i asked him why and he said "i like to sleep with it because it reminds me of you."  nobody in this world knows how to melt my heart like the beckster.

b-day card from beck